West Region Formator and Presenter Training

This page contains videos and handouts used in West Region Formator and Presenter training.   This is not the full training.   If you are interested in learning to present the Ozanam Orientation, or starting a Formation team in your Council, please see Starting or Joining a Formation Team for more information.

Formators and presenters:  In addition to the material here, this page on the National website contains a rich array of materials for you.

Last updated: Dec 12, 2022

Train-the-Trainer Students: Hints for Teaching Each Section

These folders contain the videos with hints for teaching each section of the Ozanam Orientation, and other material for people taking a train-the-trainer workshop.  

Material for Formation Team Leaders

This material is for people who are organizing Ozanam Orientations, whether or not you are a formator.

Material for Formators Only

This material is for the formators who are qualified to train presenters.

Material for Giving a Train-the-Trainer

These folders contain material for people giving a train-the-trainer workshop.  

This folder should only contain "Collection" folders, which are all displayed above.  The remaining files in this folder need to be moved to the most logical collection.   Then this section of this page won't be needed.  Ask Shawnna and Dot what they think is logical.